Maybe you can make a card, post it on your blog with a message or send it to a charity to honor of the victims. Or print out the image for your child to color. Please post your ideas or links to your cards in the comment section. I would love to see our friends in Norway flooded with your generosity.

Sample Card - Designer: Nancy Cappelen

Sample card - Designer: Ginny Christiansen
What a lovely thought Karen
Anne x
Beautiful, Karen:0) Thank you.
What a beautiful tribute. Thank you.
So beautiful Karen, very heart goes out to everyone in Norway, just terrible.
Thank you for the beautiful image, and the feelings that inspired it.
Pat K.
This is wonderful,Karen!Thank you!
Beautiful! What a kind thought. Thank you
Beautiful image from someone with a beautiful heart!!!
Karen, this is beautiful--thank you so much and thank you for caring.
you are so kind and thoughtful! thank you!
so very lovely... and thoughtful... thank you!
Beautiful image.
Lovely image, so thoughtful of you to remember our neighbors over in Norway. Our thoughts go out to everyone over there.
Karen this is such a fabulous idea. Will spread the news of this image on my blog so that hopefully we will get more people joining in.
So thoughtful of you! thank you very much!
What a beautiful image to remember all of those that lost their lives in this senseless tragedy! Thanks for reminding us that life is precious. Our thoughts and prayers are with this peaceful country during their time of tragic loss.
Tusen takk
How thoughtful Karen thank you xx Jan
Thanks so much!
A beautiful tribute Karen. xx
This is beautiful. Thank you so much.
Hugs from
Berit, Norway
Thank you! I have a couple of friends that are norwegian and they will appreciate it.
beautiful! how thoughtful
Those poor people. Thanks for such a wonderful way to show them we care.
thats a beautifull thought! and also the image.
Beautiful & thoughtful tribute.
Thank you so much
What a wonderful gesture, my husband's grandfather came from Norway and we are always interested what happens there, even though we have never been. This was a horrific thing to happen and my heart goes out to all Norwegians.
Thank you so much. Beautiful tribute.
This is a very kind tribute to those who those affected by these horrible attack. Thank you!
Thank you for this wonderful tribute, Karen. I do plan to make something with it and post it on my blog. I will share (and link) with you when I do.
My grandfather was from Norway so I have a special connection there.
Blessings on you for your thoughtfulness.
Hey Karen....thanks for dropping by my blog...and you're so welcome. I think this is something that is so worth getting the word out about. Am hoping to get at my card this week.
A touching tribute.
I can only repeat what so many others have said, and that's, what a beautiful tribute to Norway.
wonderful tribute, posted on my blog
Thank you for this wonderful tribute and wonderful image!
I hope my back will be better soon so I can make something with this lovely image :)
Hugs from Norway
You can see my Tribute to Norway card on my blog at
Bless you for your thoughtfulness, Karen.
A wonderful, caring gesture Karen. Thank you.
Sylvia x
Thank you, Karen, for the image.
Beautiful & thoughtful tribute.
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