Thursday, June 3, 2010

Website working fine :-)

Hi everyone :-) The glitches with the new website have been fixed and I am happy to report it is working fine. I guess that's to be expected with anything new! Soon, I will be adding a Contact Us Page, and a WholesaleLogin section. Also, I will be adding a credit card payment option for those who don't use PayPal. Also, I will be adding sample cards to every image in the shop :-)

I hope even with the rocky start, that you have enjoyed the new website :-) You can still email me at if you have any questions.

Also, New Freebie coming this afternoon on the Website!



  1. Hi Karen... I've been trying to view the digis on the website tonight and can't get anything but the home page to show up. I clicked on "Digis" in the left column and a blank page comes up and it says "done" in the bottom left corner. :( I was hoping to get in on the sale. My sister is able to get around the site though. Do you know what could be wrong??

  2. I can't get onto this site either. When I try it says it isn't loaded correctly and it will not let me on.
